Enchanting street arts of the World

East Side Gallery, Berlin This is a 1.3 km-long stretch of the Berlin Wall that has been turned into an open-air gallery. It features over 100 paintings by artists from all over the world.

Wynwood Walls, Miami Wynwood Walls is an outdoor museum showcasing large-scale works by some of the world's best-known street artists. The entire Wynwood Arts District in Miami is known for its vibrant street art scene.

Lodhi Art, India In an effort to transform public spaces into an open- air art gallery, the Lodhi Art District in New Delhi features stunning murals and street art by both Indian and international artists.

Hosier Lane, Australa Melbourne is famous for its street art, and Hosier Lane is one of its most iconic locations. The entire lane is covered in colorful, ever-changing graffiti and street art.

Valparaíso, Chile The entire city of Valparaíso is often considered a canvas for street artists. Its hillsides are adorned with colorful and intricate murals, making it a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho Brazil Often referred to as the "Green Tunnel," this street in Brazil is lined with large trees and covered in vibrant greenery and murals, creating a unique and beautiful atmosphere.

Penang Street Art, Malaysia George Town is known for its street art, including murals and wrought-iron caricatures. The art is scattered throughout the city, creating an interactive experience for visitors.